The huntsman heard Little Red Riding Hood's terror stricken screams and ran to help her. He took his trusty ax with him because he wasn't sure what horrors awaited him. Run, huntsman, run!
Media: Mechanical pencil illustration on tracing paper, sepia filters and colored in Photoshop. I used the multiple option in the layers for some interesting effects. Lately I've been experimenting with the Texturizer filter as well. :-)
Now in theory he's supposed to be a grapefruit headed huntsman because his damsel in distress is a lemonhead. Perhaps he should have been called a woodsman instead? With an ax as opposed to a bow/arrow it seems like he's much more likely to be chopping down trees. Somehow huntsman sounds more dashing. Why is it that these fairy tales have someone close enough to save Little Red Riding Hood? In theory the damsels in distress are always saved by a strong hero. But in real life that's not often the case. These are the versions that are more child friendly because we all know that often the huntsman doesn't arrive in time. And sometimes the huntsman saves the damsel only for her to discover that he's just another type of threat. I much prefer when the damsels aren't in distress, but are smart enough not to get into trouble in the first place. Here's my first rough sketch of our hero. And the story begins here. I decided to start drawing the lemonheads because I have them on my banner on my craft blog, Lemon Tree Tales. It was time for them to "come to life".
Your sketches and artwork are great!
Posted by: forgetfulone | March 10, 2008 at 07:33 PM
Our Son, Ernie at the ripe old age of six months had a litttle blue plastic saw he use to cut down trees with. NOw he's all grown up and he still uses a saw and an ax to cut up trees and makes wonderful furniture .
Posted by: margaret d. kelly | September 27, 2008 at 07:52 PM